Numbering is more than a personalised jewel.
It is a seal, the ring that identifies itself with you and
with your story. We are made of numbers, dates,
sums and subtractions, complex algorithms.
What is your number? We will transform it into a
unique object, your secret sintered in the metal.
Enter your number.
Select the model.
Choose the finish.
Multiplied or broken down by the
Numbering exponent, it will give the exact number of particles
that will make up your ring. It will be unique, the
seal of your value.
Thin & Bold
Two exclusive models,
three gold finishes,
a unique price
€ 69,00
One and all.
A prime number. Original.
Complex and inseparable.
Like your emotions,
your stories, your moments.
A unique ring in the world,
a gift that is only yours.
Small stories of daily life
What we believe in
The uniqueness of craftsmanship, the technique of industry. We believe that the human, irrepressible, necessary instinct to create beauty has reached a new
s tage. Level 3, which connects the ability to create unique and inimitable objects to
the most advanced technological competence. Level 3, to indicate a number. One
of many, yet quite special. Infinite meanings, but the same proportions. 3 like
nucleus, proton and electron, charged and inseparable particles. Which in turn
connect and bind themselves, becoming complex and wonderful. We are made
of the energy of numbers, of their secrets. We want to condense them into an object, the
seal that encompasses who you are.
We believe that your value is a value.
Store Locator
Sorry, but we do not believe in standards.
This site is the only place in the world
where you can order your Numbering.
It is not a customised ring.
It is a measure that becomes a ring.